Chip 1997 February
CHIP Şubat 1997.iso
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Assembly Source File
112 lines
; QPV/386 video driver
; for VESA compatible graphics cards
; 15-Oct-93: 1st release
; 04-Nov-93: several bugs fixed
; 01-May-94: added properties part
Code Segment Para 'Code'
Assume cs:Code
Org 100h
Procs dw Bank,Init,Exit,Props
dw 0,0,0,0
Bank: test cs:VesaMode,0ffh
jz SkipIt ; don't do bank switching if no VESA mode
push es
push ds
mul cs:VesaGranularity
mov dx,ax
push dx
xor bx,bx ; window A
mov ax,4f05h
int 10h
pop dx
mov bx,1 ; window B
mov ax,4f05h
int 10h
pop ds
pop es
SkipIt: retf
VesaGranularity db 0 ; granularity of video bank address
VesaMode db 0 ; 0 = not a VESA mode (i.e. no bank switching)
Init: mov cs:VesaMode,0
cmp ax,4f02h
jne Ready ; skip everything if no VESA mode
mov cs:VesaMode,1
push cx
mov dx,cs
mov es,dx
xor di,di ; es:di - VESA info table
mov cx,bx ; mode number
mov ax,4f01h ; get VESA mode info
int 10h
cmp ax,004fh
jne Fail
mov cl,Byte Ptr cs:[00h]
and cl,10001b
cmp cl,10001b
je Supp
Fail: xor cx,cx ; Mode not supported
pop ax
jmp Short Ready
Supp: mov cx,cs:[04h] ; VESA page granularity (in Kb)
mov al,1
test cx,cx
je Gran64
mov ax,64
div cl
Gran64: mov cs:VesaGranularity,al
pop ax ; default = minimum bytes per line
mov cx,cs:[10h] ; VESA bytes per line
cmp cx,ax
jae Ready
add cx,cx ; double if too small
Ready: retf
Exit: retf
; Properties Part (called after Init)
; -> ax,bx: Mode numbers (as for int10h and Init)
; <- VESA-like mode information at cs:[00h]
; 00h: bit 0 and 4 set if mode is supported
; 12h: (word) width (pixels per line)
; 14h: (word) heigth (lines per screen)
; 19h: bits per pixel
; The following are only valid for hicolor and truecolor modes:
; 1fh: bits per red component, 5 (hicolor) or 8 (truecolor)
; 20h: bit offset of red component, 0 (hi/true RGB) or 16 (true BGR)
; 21h: bits per green component, 5/6 (hicolor) or 8 (truecolor)
; 22h: bit offset of green component, 5 (hi) or 8 (true)
; 23h: bits per blue component, 5 (hicolor) or 8 (truecolor)
; 24h: bit offset of blue component, 10/11 (hi), 0 (true BGR) or 16 (true RGB)
; 25h: bits per Rsvd component, 0/1 (hicolor/true) or 8 (true 32bit)
; 26h: bit offset of Rsvd component, 24 (true 32bit) or 0 (else)
; QPV/386 uses 25h to distinguish between 24bit and 32bit truecolor.
Props: mov Byte Ptr cs:[00h],0
test cs:VesaMode,0ffh
jz Ready2 ; skip everything if no VESA mode
mov dx,cs
mov es,dx
xor di,di ; es:di - VESA info table
mov cx,bx ; mode number
mov ax,4f01h ; get VESA mode info
int 10h
Ready2: retf
Code Ends
End Procs
; End of source.